UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns: Hello World, the vSphere edition

In the concluding paragraphs of my last post, UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns: Hello World ,I briefly compared the UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns (UCD+P) use of OpenStack HEAT Templates (HOT) for blueprints with my own simple XML blueprint for vSphere compute resources.  In the past week a Fix Pack was released for UCD+P which adds initial support for provisioning to VMware vSphere infrastructure. So in this post I’ll do a “Hello World” -style example of connecting UCD+P to a vCenter 5.5 server, provisioning a VM on it and deploying multiple UrbanCode Deploy (UCD) components to the VM.

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UrbanCode Deploy with vSphere and Chef

In a previous post (Cooking up deployments on stacked clouds) I looked at using UrbanCode Deploy with OpenStack and Chef. I showed one way of creating a stack from a Heat template, injecting the UCD agent and Chef  into one of the newly provisioned servers, cooking a Chef recipe and deploying an application on it. This time round I look at how to do almost the same thing with VMware vSphere.

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