What’s in a name?

“O! be some other name:

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose

by any other name would smell as sweet”

From one of my favourite plays, rendered in somewhat recent times in superb fashion IMHO, by one of my favourite directors (a fellow Aussie and New South Welshman by the way:-).

The naming gods must have finally read “Connecting UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns to OpenStack” and decided the UrbanCode Deploy with Paterns (UCDP/UCDwP/UCD+P..) name is indeed a mouthful.  Mouthful or not, Eric Minick provides a bit more detail on  UCDwP becoming part of UrbanCode Deploy with the 6.1.2 version in his post . Problem solved indeed and does make perfect sense as I’ve been finding when showing UCDwP to customers moving into the cloud over the past year or so. For simplicity I’m just going to call the cloud blueprint capability the “Designer”.

Continue reading “What’s in a name?”

UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns: Hello World, the vSphere edition

In the concluding paragraphs of my last post, UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns: Hello World ,I briefly compared the UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns (UCD+P) use of OpenStack HEAT Templates (HOT) for blueprints with my own simple XML blueprint for vSphere compute resources.  In the past week a Fix Pack was released for UCD+P which adds initial support for provisioning to VMware vSphere infrastructure. So in this post I’ll do a “Hello World” -style example of connecting UCD+P to a vCenter 5.5 server, provisioning a VM on it and deploying multiple UrbanCode Deploy (UCD) components to the VM.

Continue reading “UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns: Hello World, the vSphere edition”

UrbanCode Deploy with vSphere and Chef

In a previous post (Cooking up deployments on stacked clouds) I looked at using UrbanCode Deploy with OpenStack and Chef. I showed one way of creating a stack from a Heat template, injecting the UCD agent and Chef  into one of the newly provisioned servers, cooking a Chef recipe and deploying an application on it. This time round I look at how to do almost the same thing with VMware vSphere.

Continue reading “UrbanCode Deploy with vSphere and Chef”